Last Thursday evening we hosted our Annual Stakeholder Meeting. Huge thanks to everyone who attended and to the Iron Triangle Neighborhood Council for co-hosting the meeting.
We had a robust dialogue with approximately 30 community members and continue to be inspired by our diverse group of stakeholders who, like us, are passionate about Downtown and the many projects, activities, and events underway. We are pleased to know that new businesses, housing, and other economic development projects that will bring living wage jobs and affordable housing Downtown are underway. Richmond Main Street has, and will, continue to be an advocate for our local residents, businesses, and property owners. We are committed to development without displacement and to support development projects that will be inclusive of our entire community!
If you were not able to attend the meeting, good news: we are excited to bring the meeting to you! Check out our 2017 Annual Report and meeting presentation and make sure to take our super quick Stakeholder Survey! Your responses are a vital part of our work.
Recently comments were made at a City Council meeting that I personally want to see Richmond gentrified and care nothing about our low-income residents, many whom may be houseless or facing serious financial challenges. Of course this couldn’t be further from the truth. I want to make it clear that I am committed to supporting a community that provides resources, services, and support to ALL regardless of economic status.
Richmond Main Street will continue to provide support to our local businesses, entrepreneurs, youth, and other stakeholders to keep Downtown clean and safe, and to support arts, entertainment, and other activities that are reflective of our community’s rich history and diversity.
In partnership,
Amanda Elliott
Executive Director
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